Best ecotourism destinations around the world [2024]

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For many years now we have seen how climate change due to our habits and lifestyle has caused more destruction and increased changes around the world. We try to due our due diligence, supporting local businesses, avoiding single-use plastics and banning plastic bags but what can we do as travelers to promote and support responsible tourism?

Ecotourism, has become a growing trend for those looking for more sustainable tourism that protects wildlife habitats and the natural environment. Some of these conservation efforts have had a positive impact on local communities, local economy, and endangered species.

As nature lovers, we want to protect these natural areas while getting to visit nature reserves and immerse ourselves in the local culture. But it is important to be aware of the types of travel you are signing up for. Ask the questions. Do these places have sustainable practices? What will be your carbon footprint and how might you offset some of those affects? How does it promote sustainable development? Is it providing income to the local economy and local people or to some larger corporation millions of miles away?

There are some really great places that have made a concerted effort to protect natural landscapes and wild spaces while also providing for their people. If we don’t conserve our natural resources, we will no longer have the opportunity to witness these amazing natural wonders.

If you are looking for a great way to have a sustainable travel experience these are the best places to visit for their commitment to sustainable and ecofriendly travel.

Top Ecotourism Destinations

Costa Rica

Costa Rica has come a long way in environmental conservation. This little country has made a strong commitment to its natural habitat and to biodiversity and is a great example for other countries wishing to do the same. It is also a must-visit destination for those looking to see some of the worlds most biodiverse forests filled with incredible wildlife and plant species.

It is the most popular destination for those looking for an ecofriendly option. Three major areas that are must visits are the Corcovado National Park, Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve, and the Tortuguero National Park.

Corcovado National Park, located on the Osa Peninsula, is a hiker and nature lovers dream destination. It is the only remaining old growth forest on the Pacific Coast of Central America and home to many of the worlds endangered species.

best ecotourism destination
Photo by Zdeněk Macháček on Unsplash

Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve is 35,089 acres (14,200 ha) of protected area with over 100 species of mammals, 400 species of birds, and 1,200 species of amphibians and reptiles. There are only 8 miles of trails that can be taken alone or with a guide but this place is a biodiversity hotspot and a must see.

Tortuguero National Park is the place to go to see turtles, sea turtles. Green sea turtles, leatherbacks and Hawksbill sea turtles all nest here. The best time to visit is from July to September. You can also participate in the Green Turtle Eco-Volunteer program by the Sea Turtle Conservancy to give back to this beautiful place and be a part of conservation efforts.

Galapagos Islands

You cannot talk about an ecotourism destination without mentioning the Galápagos islands. The first thing you think of are the giant tortoises, but I also think about the pink iguanas and all the incredible conservation work being done by the Galapagos Conservation Trust and the Charles Darwin Foundation.

top wildlife destinations
Photo by Alan Alquist on Unsplash

To visit these islands you are required to have a tour guide at all times. But you will see some amazing animal species and don’t just focus on the land animals, the Pacific Ocean is teeming with marine life and coral reefs. It is a divers paradise and home to the Galapagos Marine Preserve created in 1998 to stem the alarming decrease in marine populations.

New Zealand

New Zealand has always pegged its as being “green” and the ecotourism sector has been growing rapidly in recent years. Though you could point fingers at their agricultural practices, including their waste management, farmers are now taking a hard look at their practices and with new government restrictions the technology is moving forward to better protect their natural resources.

visiting New Zealand
Photo by Aaron Sebastian on Unsplash

But the country has a lot to offer those looking to have a “green” tour with incredible snow-capped mountains, lakes in some pretty remote areas, and hiking trails that give you a great perspective on the protected areas.

National Parks of the United States

Though National Parks everyone are doing their part to protect biodiversity I want to highlight the National Parks in the US only because outside of those areas (in combination with the National Forests and state parks) there is a ton of industry here and denuding of the environment.

America has not done a very good job at managing its landscape, with significant losses in milkweed which sustains the migration of monarchs, to the overuse of pesticides and chemicals that have poisoned much of the land. You can find PFAS (Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances) chemicals everywhere and in a lot of things.

Olympic National Park top ecotourism destination

But the National Parks are something special. Pristine environments with protections to wildlife and even the reintroduction of lost species that once roamed these areas, like grizzly bears in the North Cascades National Park and wolves in Colorado.

The staff and biologists with the parks have gone above and beyond to keep these places safe, though the huge number of visitors each year have taken their toll on some of these places. Parks are now starting to institute permits and reservations for their access and I highly recommend you practice #leavenotrace principles by keeping to trails and packing out what you pack in.

Concluding Thoughts

Ecotourism has brought on a new age of travel and the tourism industry is embracing it and in my opinion it is the best way to travel. So tread lightly my friends and find your own ways to be a part in the protection of these special destinations.

To learn more on the advantages and disadvantages of ecotourism check out my post here.

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