Located in southwestern Uganda is Lake Bunyonyi, known for its scenic beauty of green and lush terraced hills and is the most beautiful lake in the area. Translated Bunyonyi means “place of many little birds.” Over 200 species to be exact. That alone should pique your interest. It is the second deepest lake in Africa, and third deepest in the …
Ecotourism has become a growing trend in recent years and for good reason. Travelers are now wanting to have less of a negative impact on the places they visit and keep the natural areas pristine for future generations. What is ecotourism? The term ecotourism, is a type of tourism defined by the International Ecotourism Society, as the “responsible travel to natural …
*This post contains affiliate links São Miguel island is the largest island of the 9 that make up the Azores Islands and one of the best places to visit for hiking, great food and stunning views. With direct flights available from Europe and the United States, it has never been easier to get to the Azores. Start your adventures from …
*This post contains affiliate links São Jorge island is one of the Azorean islands and what most call a “hiker’s paradise.” It is remote, it is wild, and it can be a bit challenging to navigate. It is also a UNESCO world heritage site as a biosphere reserve. This post is meant to help you plan your trip to this …
The Pacific Northwest is truly a special place in the United States and a must visit, with Washington State having an unlimited number of things to do. When people think of Seattle, specifically, they think of Pike Place Market and the Space Needle. Many first-time visitors don’t venture too far out of this one small area within the larger city …
A lot of people think that Park City is uber expensive and that dining there is impossible with price tags that make you want to faint. Yeah, you can find that there, but you can also make it affordable without losing out on the dining experience. There are so many restaurants with great food to choose from, especially on Park …
Seattle is known for a lot of things, including coffee, the Space Needle, great wilderness and beautiful mountain views, and yes, rain. But it is also known for really good beer. You could spend an entire visit to the Pacific Northwest just sampling the breweries around, no need to go anywhere else in Washington State. As a local, I have …
The world is changing, there is no doubting that. And we are starting to see how climate change is impacting the way we travel. We also know that the human population is a big reason for this. Yes, the world is constantly changing, but it shouldn’t be at the rate we are seeing it. So, what does this mean for …
It rains a lot in Seattle. This is not news, I am sure. But what you may not know is that the flowers bloom really early here. Like late February – early March early. And it is spectacular. The cherry trees, found at the University of Washington, were a gift from Japan. And we all know how special the cherry …
As summer approaches one of the places we all wish to be is the beach and everyone knows that New Jersey has some spectacular beaches. But one of the oldest and most historic of those is Atlantic City. Spending a day in Atlantic City will give you peaks into the past mixed with the casino culture of today. It’s a …